Looking for a side-hustle? We bet you hadn’t thought of these

If you want a second job but you’re not too keen to take on regular shifts, we’ve got your back. In the following guide, we’ll share five of the most intelligent ways to boost your income without losing your evenings – or your will to live.

1. Offer freelance social media services

In the age of social media, you’d be surprised to learn just how many businesses out there haven’t even started with their social strategy yet. If you’re a dab hand with Instagram for business or you know how to keep followers engaged with gripping written content, there’s certainly an account your skills could bolster.

2. Start a side job as a butler in the buff

It might not be your first thought, but if you sign up to be a butler in the buff, chances are you’ll be able to enjoy an incredibly flexible and lucrative job on the side. If you love the idea of making a hen party even more memorable for the girls there, you won’t be short of work.

You only need to bring yourself, your sense of humour, and a willingness to get stuck in at the deep end. From risky drinking games to outrageous icebreakers, working as a butler will quicky get you to grips with being the life and soul of any party.

3.Make a video blog

Your hobbies might be holding more potential than you realise. Whether you’re into skateboarding, tap-dancing or wild camping, documenting your activities and progress is one sure way to gain attention.

It doesn’t take much to create engaging video content to post on YouTube. Simply get to grips with iMovie, or if you’re willing to make an investment, learn how to use Final Cut Pro to reach your potential when it comes down to editing video clips. If you’re passionate about what you do, you’ll quickly see that it pays to share it.

4. Rent out your car

You can make cash by renting out your own car, and there are several ways to go about doing it. You could use an online company and get your plans sorted within just a few clicks, or you could use a specialised app like Drivy.

If you don’t normally use your car during the week, you’ll have nothing to lose by renting it out while you work from home and watch the extra money start coming in.

5. Upcycle

Feeling creative? There’s always money to be made by selling household items and furniture online. If you’ve got a little bit of spare time, keep an eye out for characterful pieces or anything with some original potential. It only takes basic DIY skills, a good quality paint and an imaginative mind to completely transform a pre-loved piece into something contemporary and unique.

We hope you’re feeling inspired to step out of your comfort zone in your hunt for a side-hustle. Why not share your best digs with us in the comments section?